
  • Our critique of patriarchy goes beyond the demand for equality between men and women. We challenge the construction of masculine and feminine identities: our goal is the abolition of the binary system of gender. We see sexism not only as a set of ideas or discourses, but as a system of domination and exploitation. A form of domination neither less, nor more, fundamental than class, caste or race.


  • We understand heterosexism to be a form of domination related to, but not identical with, sexist domination. Our aim is to put an end to heterosexuality as a norm and a social institution.


  • We see sexuality as a political field crossed by social relations of class, race, gender… and desire a profound transformation of this social construction.


  • We reject the principle of blood relationship and advocate the abolition of blood-based institutions – such as the biological family or the clan.


  • We advocate the abolition of monogamy as a norm and social institution.


  • We challenge the domination of children by adults.


  • We oppose ableism and dominant body norms.


  • We want the abolition of racist social relations. Racism is not only prejudice, not only a set of ideas or discourses, but a system of domination and exploitation. It is neither less nor more fundamental than class, caste or gender. Our critique of racism includes not only biological racisms but also so-called cultural racisms, not only colour racisms, but also antisemitism, and racisms focused on religious or national stereotypes.


  • We question ethnicity and oppose its mobilisation against progressive organising along class and gender lines.


  • We oppose not only nationalism but the concept of the nation and all forms of national identification.


  • Our opposition to neocolonialism and imperialism is anti-feudal, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist.


  • We oppose older forms of domination and exploitation, like feudalism, slavery and the caste system, just as much as newer ones, such as capitalism.


  • We criticise not only economic exploitation, but also the capitalist form of labour, time and technology. Our goal is the abolition of the commodity, money and capital.


  • Instead of a state organisation of society, we advocate a radically democratic, self-organized and egalitarian form of social organization on a global scale.


  • Beyond the social relations of domination and exploitation among human beings, we criticize the domination of humans over other living beings and the world at large.